US Stream Flow Data Set (1950 to 2002)
The US Stream Flow Data Set (1950 to 2002) is a comprehensive streamflow data set for the conterminous U.S. (48 states) where all stations have monthly streamflow rates (cubic feet per second) for the period 1950 - 2002. The data was compiled from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) NWISWeb system by researchers at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas and the University of Wyoming. All of the data represent natural (unimpaired) average monthly streamflow (cubic feet per second). Please feel free to utilize the data for your research and cite the following publication for a complete description of the data set.

Paper Reference:

  Tootle, G.A., T.C. Piechota, and A.K. Singh, 2005. Coupled Interdecadal and Interannual Oceanic / Atmospheric Variability and United States Streamflow. Water Resources Research, 41(W12408).

Data Set:


Station Summary Files

File Description Windows (Excel Format) Ascii Format

Station Calendar Year Files

File Description Windows (Excel Format) Ascii Format

Station Water Year Files

File Description Windows (Excel Format) Ascii Format
  Individual Calendar Year Files   Windows (Excel Format)  

File Descriptions

Station Summary Files
The Data Set Station Summary File provides information about each of the 639 stations. The information was compiled and summarized based on monthly stream flow statistics generated by the USGS NWISWeb system

Summary information within the file contains the following information.

  • Station number assigned within the data set (ie 1 to 639)
  • Start and End years for uninterrupted, continuous monthly records
  • Period of record in years
  • Location of the station by State
  • NAD83 Latitude and Longitude and the USGS Coordinate accuracy designator (ie U, S)
  • USGS Hydrologic Station Number. The excel file contains a hyperlink to each of the USGS html tables for the given station.
  • Drainage area in square miles, and the Gage datum in feet above sea level (NGVD29)
  • USGS Station description.

Calendar Year Data
The Calendar Year Data provides a listing of surface stream flow data for the 639 stations based on calendar year. Flows are in Cubic feet per second (cfs). The information was compiled and summarized based on monthly stream flow statistics generated by the USGS NWISWeb system

The file is formattes as follows.

  • Row 1 - Header line
  • Column A - USGS Hydrologic Station Number. Station Number appears once per record at 1950
  • Column B - Year (values range from 1950 to 2002)
  • Column C thru N - Average Monthly Flow (cfs) from January to December of the calendar year.

Note: Each station record is separated from the subsequent station by a blank row.

Water Year Data
The Water Year Data provides a listing of surface stream flow data for the 639 stations based on water year. Flows are in Cubic feet per second (cfs). The information was compiled and summarized based on monthly stream flow statistics generated by the USGS NWISWeb system. The "Water Year" is defined as the period between October 1st of one year and September 30th of the next year which is the designated water year.

The file is formattes as follows.

  • Row 1 - Header line
  • Column A - USGS Hydrologic Station Number. Station Number appears once per record at 1950
  • Column B - Water Year (values range from 1951 to 2002. Water Year values start in October 1950)
  • Column C thru N - Average Monthly Flow (cfs) from October (Year-1) to December (Year-1) followed by January (Year) to September (Year).

Note: Each station record is separated from the subsequent station by a blank row.

This page was last updated February 8, 2006. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Dr. Thomas Piechota.